Co-existence of GraphQL and REST

My last post, “How to Choose Between GraphQL and REST for Your API“, generated quite a bit of interest and this post is trying to add to a few questions on the same topic which I always have in my mind.

I am sure these questions would be in your mind as well, so let’s dive into this topic through this blog post.

In today’s world of connected devices and applications, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a crucial role in enabling communication and data exchange between different systems. There are two main types of APIs that are commonly used: REST APIs and GraphQL APIs. While both types of APIs have their own set of benefits and limitations, it is possible for an organization to use both REST APIs and GraphQL APIs within the same application or system. In this scenario, the organization can take advantage of the strengths of each API type to provide a more efficient and flexible interface for data access and manipulation. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and considerations of using both REST APIs and GraphQL APIs within an organization.

Can GraphQL and REST co-exist?

Yes, it is possible for a REST API and a GraphQL API to co-exist within the same application or system. There are a few different ways in which this can be achieved:

  1. Dual API: In this approach, the application provides both a REST API and a GraphQL API, and the client can choose which one to use based on its needs and preferences. This can be useful if the application has a lot of data that needs to be accessed and manipulated in different ways, and the GraphQL API can provide more flexibility and efficiency for these tasks.
  2. REST API as a Backend for GraphQL: In this approach, the application provides a GraphQL API that serves as the primary interface for client requests, and the GraphQL server uses the REST API as a backend to retrieve data and perform other tasks. This can be useful if the application has an existing REST API that is used by other clients or systems and you want to provide a more efficient and flexible interface for newer clients.
  3. GraphQL API as a Layer on Top of REST API: In this approach, the application provides a REST API that serves as the primary interface for data access and manipulation, and the GraphQL API is built on top of the REST API as a layer that provides additional functionality and flexibility. This can be useful if you want to provide a more powerful and flexible interface for clients without making major changes to the underlying REST API.

It’s important to note that each of these approaches has its own set of trade-offs and considerations, and the best approach will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the application.

Libraries/tools/technologies which can be leveraged

There are a number of libraries and tools that can be used to make sure a REST API and a GraphQL API co-exist within the same application or system. Some examples include:

  1. Apollo Server: Apollo Server is a popular open-source library for building GraphQL APIs in Node.js. It provides a set of tools and features for building and deploying GraphQL servers, including support for building a GraphQL API on top of an existing REST API.
  2. GraphQL Gateway: GraphQL Gateway is a tool that allows you to build a GraphQL API on top of multiple existing REST APIs. It provides a simple, flexible way to aggregate data from multiple sources and exposes it through a single GraphQL API.
  3. GraphQL Inspector: GraphQL Inspector is a tool that allows you to compare two GraphQL schemas and identify breaking and non-breaking changes. It can be useful for ensuring that a GraphQL API is compatible with an existing REST API or for identifying potential issues when integrating a GraphQL API with a REST API.
  4. GraphQL Code Generator: GraphQL Code Generator is a tool that allows you to generate code based on a GraphQL schema and a set of customization options. It can be used to generate types and resolvers for a GraphQL API that is built on top of an existing REST API, helping to reduce the amount of boilerplate code that needs to be written.

These are just a few examples of the tools and libraries that can be used to help a REST API and a GraphQL API co-exist within the same application or system. The specific tools and technologies that are used will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the application and the preferences of the development team.

Advantages of co-existing GraphQL and REST

There are a number of advantages to having a REST API and a GraphQL API co-exist within the same application or system. Some of the main benefits include:

  1. Flexibility: By providing both a REST API and a GraphQL API, you can give clients more flexibility in how they access and manipulate data. The REST API can provide a simple, fixed set of endpoints for common tasks, while the GraphQL API can allow clients to request exactly the data they need and make more complex queries.
  2. Efficiency: GraphQL can be more efficient than REST for certain types of tasks, as it allows the client to request only the data it needs rather than getting a fixed set of data from a specific endpoint. This can reduce the amount of data transferred over the network and improve the performance of the API.
  3. Compatibility: By building a GraphQL API on top of an existing REST API, you can provide a more powerful and flexible interface for clients without making major changes to the underlying REST API. This can help to maintain compatibility with existing clients and systems that use the REST API.
  4. Reuse: By using a GraphQL API as a layer on top of an existing REST API, you can reuse the REST API’s code and infrastructure to build a more powerful and flexible interface for clients. This can reduce the amount of work and maintenance required to support the GraphQL API.

Overall, having a REST API and a GraphQL API co-exist within the same application or system can provide a number of benefits in terms of flexibility, efficiency, compatibility, and reuse.

Disadvantages of co-existing GraphQL and REST

While there are many advantages to having a REST API and a GraphQL API co-exist within the same application or system, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider:

  1. Complexity: Adding a GraphQL API to an existing application can increase the complexity of the overall system, as it requires adding a new layer of abstraction and potentially integrating it with additional tools and libraries. This can increase the learning curve for developers and make it more difficult to understand and maintain the application.
  2. Overhead: Building and maintaining a GraphQL API can be more time-consuming and resource-intensive than building a simple REST API. This can increase the overhead and cost of developing and maintaining the application.
  3. Security: GraphQL APIs can be more complex to secure than REST APIs, as they allow clients to make more complex and flexible queries. This can make it more difficult to implement proper authentication and authorization controls and to protect against potential security vulnerabilities.
  4. Compatibility: While a GraphQL API can be built on top of an existing REST API to maintain compatibility with existing clients, it can also introduce breaking changes or cause issues for clients that are not prepared to handle the additional complexity and flexibility of GraphQL.

Overall, the decision to co-exist a REST API and a GraphQL API within the same application or system should be based on a careful evaluation of the specific needs and requirements of the application and the potential trade-offs and considerations involved.


I can provide some general guidance on the factors to consider when deciding whether to use a REST API, a GraphQL API, or both within an organization.

In general, the choice between a REST API and a GraphQL API will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the application and the preferences of the development team. Some of the factors that might influence this decision include:

  1. Data access and manipulation: GraphQL APIs can be more efficient and flexible than REST APIs for certain types of data access and manipulation tasks, as they allow the client to request exactly the data it needs and make more complex queries. This can make GraphQL a good choice for applications that require a lot of data fetching and manipulation.
  2. Client preferences: The client application(s) that will be consuming the API may have specific requirements or preferences that influence the choice between a REST API and a GraphQL API. For example, a client that needs to make a large number of API requests and wants to minimize network traffic might prefer a GraphQL API, while a client that only needs to make a few simple requests might be better suited to a REST API.
  3. Existing infrastructure: If an organization already has an existing REST API that is being used by other clients or systems, it might be more practical to build a GraphQL API on top of the existing REST API rather than replacing it completely. This can help to maintain compatibility with existing clients and systems while still providing a more powerful and flexible interface for newer clients.

Here are some more key points to consider:

  1. Evaluate the specific needs and requirements of the application: The choice between a REST API and a GraphQL API will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the application. Consider factors such as the types of data that will be accessed and manipulated, the complexity of the queries and operations that will be performed, and the preferences of the client application(s) that will be consuming the API.
  2. Consider the efficiency and flexibility of the API: GraphQL APIs can be more efficient and flexible than REST APIs for certain types of tasks, as they allow the client to request exactly the data it needs and make more complex queries. However, they can also be more complex and resource-intensive to build and maintain. Consider whether the added complexity and overhead of a GraphQL API are justified by the benefits it provides.
  3. Take into account the existing infrastructure and compatibility with existing clients: If an organization already has an existing REST API that is being used by other clients or systems, it might be more practical to build a GraphQL API on top of the existing REST API rather than replace it completely. This can help to maintain compatibility with existing clients and systems while still providing a more powerful and flexible interface for newer clients.
  4. Make use of tools and libraries: There are a number of tools and libraries available that can help to build and maintain both REST APIs and GraphQL APIs. Consider using these tools and libraries to streamline the development process and reduce the overhead and complexity of building and maintaining the API.

Ultimately, the decision between using a REST API, a GraphQL API, or both will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the application and the preferences of the development team.


In conclusion, it is possible for a REST API and a GraphQL API to co-exist within the same organization or application. The decision to use both APIs will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the application and the preferences of the development team. While GraphQL APIs can provide more flexibility and efficiency for certain types of data access and manipulation tasks, they can also be more complex and resource-intensive to build and maintain than REST APIs. On the other hand, REST APIs can be simpler and easier to implement but may be less efficient and flexible for certain tasks. By carefully evaluating the specific needs and requirements of the application, organizations can choose the API or APIs that are most suitable for their needs.

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Tomcy John

Tomcy John

Blogger & Author at javacodebook
He is an Enterprise Java Specialist holding a degree in Engineering (B-Tech) with over 10 years of experience in several industries. He's currently working as Principal Architect at Emirates Group IT since 2005. Prior to this he has worked with Oracle Corporation and Ernst & Young. His main specialization is on various web technologies and acts as chief mentor and Architect to facilitate incorporating Spring as Corporate Standard in the organization.
Tomcy John

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