Data, data everywhere… Prediction Two

I started this series of blog with my concerns at the amount of data that exist today. You can read the blog here.

After this blog i took the hat of an astrologer and started prediction…😀. My prediction one can be read as a blog here.

Continuing my prediction, in this blog i am predicting second thing which will become a norm going forward.

Incognito mode in browser as we call today would become the default mode…

Or Everything will be disabled by default and customer decides when to turn it own

Again it is not a one time business, rather have to be done every-time when something is happening and soon after that it goes again into disabled mode

Very soon someone would write a cool browser extension (i haven’t searched, whether is already one such extension) and whenever a website is trying to do A/B test on you (client side using a known vendor which the extension knows), the extension would recognize this and would gives a smily face indicating the customer that, this website is trying to test you… beware and here are the A/B versions.. website owners now feel that they are smart… this extension would make them feel otherwise by actually tweaking the A/B test which the owners of the website is looking at in anticipation…

Even if you are a male aged 50.. tell the website owner you are female aged 20 and see what is coming on the site… 😀

If browsers doesn’t make incognito a default… customer would be educated enough to always use incognito mode and they will make that aspect of a browser as default..😬

This will take out many security/privacy problems away from the end user and over the period of time such capabilities to understand the customer would be of no use. All these tests make sense if they collect right data… if crap data goes in… crap analysis would take place… better don’t use this crap data to entice customer anymore…

Also many of the analytics gathering scripts also be intercepted and adequate amount of details given to the customer to see what exactly is happening on the client side and what exactly the website owner wants to know about you…

Just imagine someone selling something to you looking at your color, religion, looks etc. In real world if a customer is looked in these aspects and then goods sold, they can file a case against you in court and i am sure they will surely win it in front of law..

Today without you knowing, this exact thing is happening by bucketing certain users in certain category ad then giving them offers.. enticing them to buy more…

I don’t like this aspect and i feel this would prompt customers to use browsers incognito mode by default… by the way many have realized this and already are doing this…😬

I have my next prediction coming soon… so stay tuned and subscribe to my blog…🤓

Note: Today there are extensions which look at a particular site and lists down all the technologies which is being used. If thats the case, finding whether an A/B testing script is injected and what are the variations will be a piece of cake. Similarly, this extension also lists down all cool analytics script and can also decipher what exactly is being send…so, things are already available to some extent…

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Tomcy John

Tomcy John

Blogger & Author at javacodebook
He is an Enterprise Java Specialist holding a degree in Engineering (B-Tech) with over 10 years of experience in several industries. He's currently working as Principal Architect at Emirates Group IT since 2005. Prior to this he has worked with Oracle Corporation and Ernst & Young. His main specialization is on various web technologies and acts as chief mentor and Architect to facilitate incorporating Spring as Corporate Standard in the organization.
Tomcy John

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