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Spring Book – Chapter 18 – Remoting

Fundamentally Spring remoting is a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) feature which uses a communication protocol like RMI, HTTP or JMS, to inter-operate across multiple JVM’s. The plumbing involved in actually talking to one another using these protocols and other complexities are hidden away from the developer by employing a proxy object created by Spring.

In this Chapter, we will first go through the basic concepts in remoting and then go on to the support provided by Spring. We will then go on in detail to cover the various remoting technologies which Spring supports in detail.

Basic Concepts

This section provides standard definitions for the basic concepts and terminologies that will be used throughout to explain Spring remoting in detail.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

A remote procedure call (RPC) is an inter-process communication that allows a computer program to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute in another address space (commonly on another computer on a shared network) without the programmer explicitly coding the details for this remote interaction.

– wikipedia.org

Remote Method Invocation (RMI)

Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) enables the programmer to create distributed Java technology-based to Java technology-based applications, in which the methods of remote Java objects can be invoked from other Java virtual machines*, possibly on different hosts. RMI uses object serialization to marshal and unmarshal parameters and does not truncate types, supporting true object-oriented polymorphism.

– oracle.com

Proxy Pattern

Proxy patterns are key for gaining an understanding of Spring remoting. Figure 19-1 shows the UML diagram for the proxy software design pattern.

Figure 19-1. UML diagram of proxy software design pattern

Figure 19-1. UML diagram of proxy software design pattern

In simple terms, a Proxy object is one through which we control access to the actual object on which the functionality lies. Based on the context in which these proxy objects are used, it can be categorized into three types:

  • Virtual Proxy – If you would like to control the creation of resource intensive objects in a lazy fashion (objects will be created only when the application actually uses it for the first time to do something), the heavy objects can be put inside the proxy objects and its creation can be controlled according to the requirement of your application.
  • Remote Proxy – Used to mask the complexity in communication mechanism between remote objects. Spring remoting uses this type of proxy for abstraction.
  • Access Proxy – Used to control the access to a sensitive object by wrapping it with a proxy.
  • Smart Proxy – If you would like to provide additional functionality to the existing object, smart proxies can be created to address this in your application.

The Proxy pattern is one of the most important design patterns because it provides an alternative to extending functionality in Java using inheritance. Another alternative is object composition, where an object (proxy, now you know) forwards method calls to an enclosed object (real subject).

Problems Faced Today

Most of the remoting mechanisms provide a layer of abstraction over the transport details used for communication in a distributed environment. This locks your code to a particular programming model. In present day of application development, locking to any model is not considered a right approach especially with frameworks like Spring being around which allows non-locking integration with other third party technologies and programming models.

In the case of using Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation), your service interface has to extend the java.rmi.Remote interface and your client is forced to catch the java.rmi.RemoteException exception class. This dependency of your code to Java RMI makes your code tightly couple with this programming model. It not only locks you in, but also clutters your business logic with the remoting infrastructure hurting the principle of separation of concerns.

Any enterprise application normally will be using many applications and services that function on different platforms. When the need arise for sharing the data or functions between these existing applications, the need for remoting could arise.

Integration will remain a high priority in coming years, according to Forrester analyst Ken Vollmer, as virtually all enterprise application delivery projects require significant integration among applications, internal data sources, external trading partners, and more and more frequently, external data resources.

To answer these challenges, the main goals on which Spring Remoting was built and the advantages it brings can be summarized as below:

  • Hide plumbing code as much as possible through abstraction—Spring Remoting hides a lot of plumbing code from the developer by the use of service providers in the server side and client proxy in the client side. Due to this the code becomes cleaner and more maintainable in the longer run. Clear separation of concerns and avoiding tangling and scattering of code.
  • Remoting capability by configuring and exposing services declaratively—Spring’s abstraction uses the configuration based approach for remoting. On the server side no code change is required at all and you have the power of exposing your existing services as remote services with ease. In the client side expose remote methods from existing code. You can then use Spring’s dependency injection to wire various objects into your remote objet with ease.
  • Support for multiple protocols and handling exceptions in  a consistent way—Spring offers a consistent way of writing service exporters, and client FactoryBeans for various protocols represents the same approach and is also consistent across. It provides consistency and ease of adoption as the overall flow remains the same irrespective of remoting technology. In addition, due to this consistency, on the server side ,you have the provision of exposing the services using various protocols declaratively. In the client side it brings in easy swapping of various available protocols according to infrastructure and other considerations. It is also easy to switch between remote and local deployment by mere configuration change which is very handy during testing and actual deployment phase.

In the following sections, we will see whether Spring Framework was able to deliver their goals and in what way they allow extension to it following the Spring philosophy.

Page Visitors: 4815

Spring Book – Chapter 13 – Spring and JSF Integration

JSF being one of the very successful, prominent and well backed up web framework, the importance of integration between Spring and JSF is covered in full detail with meaningful pictures and example code in this chapter for readers who are beginners and experts alike.

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a server side user interface component framework for developing Java technology-based web applications. Developed through the Java Community Process under JSR – 314, it establishes the standard for building server-side user interfaces and have gained tremendous acceptance over the period of time in the Java world. JavaServer Faces APIs are being designed keeping in mind that they can be leveraged by tools that will make web application development even easier and simpler.

This Chapter provides an introduction on how the in famous Spring Framework can be integrated with in famous web framework, Java Server Faces Technologies. The Chapter covers the necessary details of both the Spring Framework and JSF technology in the initial section in the context of Integration and then later on moves towards the concept of concepts which help in easing the integration between the two technologies.

JSF Overview

Before getting into the details of how Sping and JSF Integration, it is important to know basic details of JSF. The following initial sections of this Chapter will cover JSF in some detail so that initial context is set and we can understand the integration in a clear fashion.

JSF Architecture

JSF is based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Since it is based on well know MVC design the applications can be designed in a simpler and easy fashion keeping maintainability factor intact. In earlier Chapters we have covered MVC design patter in detail, so I wouldn’t repeat the same in this Chapter.

MVC model’s main purpose is to separate model and presentation to enable developers to set focus on their core skills and collaborate more clearly. If the application demands creating different pages for presentation, developers can concentrate on the view layer rather than model and controller layer as developers have a provision to reuse code for controller and model already written with ease.

Pictorially JSF architecture keeping the essence of MVC design can be represented as shown in Figure 13-1 below.


Figure 13-1. JSF architecture showing off MVC design

JSF Lifecycle

The processing of a request is called lifecycle in JSF. There are different phases which are executed one after the other following “Chain of responsibilities” design pattern. Figure 13-2 below shows the JSF lifecycle.


Figure 13-2. JSF lifecycle

There are various phases constituting the JSF lifecycle. The various lifecycle phases can be summarized as follows:

  • Restore View
  • Apply Request Values
  • Process Validations
  • Update Model Values
  • Invoke Application
  • Render Response

Pictorially the various phases in the JSF lifecycle can be as shown in Figure 13-3 below.


Figure 13-3. JSf lifecycle phases

JSF application in many ways work very much similar to a typical desktop application comprising of components and events. In line with client application, components can create events and can react or listen to events. There are different types of events and there are various places where these events are created and invoked. The events can be classified into three different types as shown below:

  • System events – These events are created at various stages in an application or request lifetime. These events can be configured to evoke globally to all components and others which are related to a component.
  • Phase events – Phase events are coarse grained in nature and are broadcasted before and after every phase. You can use phase listener to check access before a phase is entered. You also have a provision of registering global phase event listener and per view phase event listener. Global phase listener are executed for all requests whereas per view listener only for a request of the specific view.
  • Application events – Application events are created by the application components. JSF has two types of events namely:
    • ValueChangeEvent
    • ActionEvent

Figure 13-4 below pictorially shows the events which are invoked at the various phases in the JSF lifecycle.


Figure 13-4. JSF lifecycle phases along with event invocation points

Page Visitors: 3883

Spring Book – Part III – Web Application Development Support by Spring

For any organization, business applications based on web has become a sort of mandate due to its evolvement over the period of time. Spring Framework provides modules which aids in developing web application infrastructure for the server side.

This part of the book contains Chapters which will help you in developing web application with the help of Spring Framework. More importantly it lets the reader understand the web application development support by the Spring Framework.

Chapter 11, “Spring Web”, introduces you to the Spring web stack as a whole. It introduces you to various components in the Spring web stack and also covers some basics around Spring web and other web technology facts like MVC framework and so forth.

Chapter 12, “Spring and Struts Integration”, purely looks into the integration of Spring Framework with the famous MVC framework, Struts in detail.

Chapter 13, “Spring and JSF Integration”, similar to Chapter 12, looks at integrating Spring Framework with another famous MVC framework Java Server Faces (JSF) in detail.

Chapter 14, “Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow”, goes into detail of Spring MVC, Spring Frameworks implementation of MVC pattern and Spring Web Flow in detail.

Chapter 15, “Web Application Security with Spring”, covers the most important aspect of any enterprise application, security. It covers Spring Security in detail with respect to web application security.

Chapter 11: Spring Web

Chapter 12: Spring and Struts Integration

Chapter 13: Spring and JSF Integration

Chapter 14: Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow

Chapter 15: Web Application Security with Spring

Page Visitors: 335

Spring Book – Chapter 10 – Caching

Cache is a component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster. The data that is stored within a cache might be values that have been computed earlier or duplicates of original values that are stored elsewhere. If requested data is contained in the cache (cache hit), this request can be served by simply reading the cache, which is comparatively faster. Otherwise (cache miss), the data has to be recomputed or fetched from its original storage location, which is comparatively slower. Hence, the greater the number of requests that can be served from the cache, the faster the overall system performance becomes.

–          wikipedia.org

“Cache” is a specialized form of computer memory.

–          About.com

A cache stores recently-used information in a place where it can be accessed extremely fast.

–          techterms.com

 To store data locally in order to speed up subsequent retrievals.

–          pcmag.com

One of the new features added in Spring Framework in its version 3.1 is its support for transparently adding caching into an existing Spring application. Similar to transaction management, it allows developers to incorporate consistent use of various caching solution available in market with minimal or no impact on the source code.

In this chapter we will first go through various caching concepts and why it should be used in your application. We will then delve deep into as to how we can do this in your Spring application. In these sections we will cover the various nitty-gritties involved in configuring caching for your application. We will also see Spring’s support for other third party cache libraries available today and then finally wrap the chapter with the concept of distributed caches to some extent.

After reading this chapter you should have a clear idea of the cache abstraction provided by the Spring framework and also have a very clear idea of using caching in your existing and new application build on Spring Framework.

Why Caching?

Caching has been one of the methods employed to speed up an application and relieve its workload. Its usefulness is particularly apparent today with the rise of social web applications, visited by thousands of people at the same time. Moreover caching should be something orthogonal, having minimal or nil side-effects to the business logic that a developer writes. There are many cache libraries in Java world, both commercial and open source.

Caching is an essential tool for scaling web applications. It avoid disk access, I/O, CPU power and network traffic – primarily to the backend relational database in modern web applications.

Application without Caching Layer

An application that doesn’t have a caching layer has the following  known problems:

  • Every call creates new objects in CPU memory and Java heap.
  • Duplicate objects in Java heap due to repeated database calls.
  • All data comes from database which involves network call and is very expensive in nature.
  • Due to network involvement in various steps in the overall execution, response times get affected.
  • A single call might in turn call multiple data sources to get all required data, in which case it becomes more expensive and more time consuming.
  • Due to high amount of objects in Java heap, it could trigger Java garbage collection which is very expensive.
  • There is an additional requirement of CPU in doing the marshalling of data from database to the format required in the application layer.

Figure 10-1 shows a typical application without caching layer. It shows applications interacting with more than one data source to retrieve all the required data in your application. It also shows interaction of application directly with various data sources which are very expensive and also time intensive.

Figure 10-1. Application interactions without caching layer

Page Visitors: 13496

Spring Book – Part 1 – Overview

Spring Framework is a Java platform that provides all-inclusive infrastructure support for developing JEE applications. It handles the almost all the plumbing/boilerplate code required for your application so that you can focus on your business specific logic while building your enterprise application. Simple Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) becomes powerful objects having middleware services like security, transaction management etc. inside the Spring Container. Part 1 introduces you to the Spring Framework and also tries to introduce various core concepts on which Spring Framework is built on.

In Chapter 1, “Introduction”, you will get to know overview, history, overall architecture, building blocks, and features of the spring framework in detail.

In Chapter 2, “Getting Started with Spring Framework”, I will show you how to get set up for building applications with Spring Framework, and I will introduce the sample application on which the book is based. Chapter 2 also introduces some basic concepts that are essential for understanding Spring in a holistic way.

So here we go, I hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as I did in writing it for you.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Getting Started With Spring

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